What neurofeedback is and how it helps
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No matter where you are starting from, every brain has a potential best, its own level of optimal flow and function.

It doesn’t matter if you are a peak performing athlete or performer, or if you are struggling with relationships, or your studies in school, or whatever your situation —

given the right information about itself, every brain can reveal its best.


Have you experienced times when you have felt “on target”, invincible, untouchable, mentally on your “A game”? Or where you have felt clear, poised, “in the now”?

During these moments your brain is organized, your Brain is flexible and resilient to whatever challenges it faces, and you’re reaping the benefits in the moment.

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Using Neurofeedback is like having a “defrag” of your hard drive, makes it easier to get out of your own way and access your “A game”.

Roadblocks can fall away and life can just seem easier, more in flow.


Whether you are looking for personal or spiritual enhancement, that edge to help prepare you for exams or a performance, or whether you just want to “get your ducks in a row”, we believe Neurofeedback of Idaho can help you reach that goal.


Getting the information (or feedback) the brain needs to organize itself, allows the brain to release patterns that can get in the way of it functioning well.



Be your best you. It's time



How Does Neurofeedback Work?


During a Neurofeedback session you will wear ear clips and two small sensors on the sides of your head. These pick up the delicate electrical activity of your brain. You relax and close your eyes and listen to music or watch a movie. Through music, Neurofeedback offers information to the brain about what it has just done, which the brain can then use to organize itself.


Our Neurofeedback computers process your brain signals very rapidly and when an “instability” is detected, the music or movie pauses very briefly. That’s it. That’s all that happens. This is the “feedback”. Just like a conductor of an orchestra watches all the musicians and listens to all the notes in order to give feedback to make it tuned, balanced, and harmonious. 


Subconsciously our brain understands the mathematics behind the timing of the pauses, which act a bit like a “rumble strip”. The brain adjusts its activity without any effort from you (you can be completely zoned out if you want), to stay “within” the rumble strip. The brain does this on its own — Neurofeedback doesn’t tell it to.


Imagine you are walking along a path on a cliff side, in the dark. You’d probably be floundering. But then a flashlight is shone showing the cliff edge. The flashlight doesn’t tell you what to do, but now you can use the extra information you have (the location of the cliff edge) to walk more certainly along your path.


The brain learns from the information it is given until over time and without your conscious awareness or effort, it learns to organize itself more efficiently.

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This manifests in your life by blocks in your path dropping away and life seeming easier.

Neurofeedback is powerful because it communicates directly with your brain, with nothing to interfere. There is no outside person having to evaluate or diagnose you, and no outside person deciding what training you need. It is simply your brain effectively communicating with itself and making its own changes.



Do the effects last?


Once you know how to ride a bike, you can’t not know. But if you don’t read for a very long time, you might get a little rusty. Then once you jump back on, you quickly catch up, and you’re off!

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Neurofeedback is just like that. Once you have done say 20 sessions, you may be thrown off by something happening in your life, but a session or two can get you right back on track. You can also stop training any time you want, and pick back up again later. It’s really up to you.


We frequently consider Neurofeedback as part of our own self-care, much like exercise. We are living tissue after all, and the stressors and pollution of daily life all take their toll. You might want to train your brain weekly or monthly to stay tuned — it’s really up to you. It’s your brain doing the training after all. It will let you know when it wants a session!


At Elevated Wellness, we have found ways to easily keep it in our lives. We will often run a session while we are working.


As long as we remain mostly still it’s fine because Neurofeedback automatically ignores the noisy signal that prevents other systems from working.


So YES the benefits do remains with you, and when life throws you an unexpected curve ball at you, a few sessions can quickly help you find center once again.